Tuesday 30 June 2009

It's rant time!

Okay I need to take a few things off my chest. I'm gonna rant over a few things that have been bothering me a lot lately, hopefully you'll agree or disagree.
Royalty of POP music:
Just because the King of pop has passed away doesn't mean we all have to get hysterical and name any person prince or princess. It doesn't go this way. Why should anyone rant about this? Well I was watching TV yesterday and I saw that they were saying that Lady Gaga or Avril Lavigne are the new princesses of pop. I was like WT?! Hell no! They are the worst candidates to even be called princesses. Avril Lavigne is a dumbass thinking she is a trendsetter by dressing like a stupid emo. And Lady Gaga thinks she is hot shit cause she only got 1 album out and she got her songs on the top charts but soon people will get over her music. To be honest Gaga is one fake bitch. Her music is rad but she is fake. She wears tons of makeup but in real life she is ugly as hell. I'm not hating on her, I'm just getting some facts straight. She claims to be crazy and energetic but in interviews she is like all quiet and stuff. I don't know. But this is how Royalty goes!
King of Pop: Michael Jackson. Always...
Queen of Pop: Madonna.
Princess of Pop: Britney Spears.
Prince of Pop: Still Searching...

Monday 29 June 2009

I've recently got a haircut cause my hair was simply annoying me! It has been over 4 months since I've gotten a haircut till Saturday. I like to keep it short cause my hair is naturally wavy and I really don't like it. Short hair always suits me best. But the thing is I just washed it and it is already a few centimeters long, Ugh! Pisses me off right there. Amazing how my hair grows really fast! Some people would love it if their hair grew fast, well I don't. My hair kinda looks like this:

All that is aside. I've been watching some of my fave movies in the past couple of days! Just now I finished seeing Transformers the first one of course. I need to go to the movies. It's that the movie theaters here have no good movies. They have the really lame one that no one wants to watch. I've been wanting to see 17 again, star trek and Ice Age 3 for quite a while now. Maybe I'll go downtown to see it!

Oh and I want these cute Transformers toys! Soooo cute! I'm not sure that I be able to "transform" them. But they are adorable!

*yawns* oof it's about 11:00 o'clock. I'm so sleepy! See you later mates! Have a great day!

Saturday 27 June 2009

My life over these past years have been really harsh and sad. My dad has ruined my life basically and treated me like shit while being an alcoholic. He keeps saying I'm sorry but to me it's not enough. My mom has gotten really sick and cheated on my dad because he has a big mouth and doesn't treat her good. I've been deppresed for almost 4 years now. I want to change, I want to do the things I used to do and I want to be happy. All that's gonna change and it's about time. I hate living with my father. He controls everything I do. He says I can't listen to some bands because he thinks that they just might be gay. He eats A LOT and because of that I have gained some weight and I now regret ever eating. My parents have decided to separate, he'll be in New york and my mom in New Jersey. My dad leaves on the 14 of July thank god and we stay with my grandma for a couple of days. We meaning me and my 9 year old sis will be leaving on the 29th. Finally!
I'm going to live with my mom! I regret doing so many things for her and now I'm gonna spend some time on her. She has patience over all of us and she is always understanding. I'm gonna eat less and exercise a whole lot more and be happy.
I'm counting the days till I leave!
A legend, An idol and the King of pop has left us.

Michael Jackson has passed away on June 25, 2009.
Oh Michael, you have no idea what a huge impact you have made on me. I cried too much to hear that you have left us. You were always, always a big inspiration for me. Your music is simply amazing. You have done it all. From soft, to rock, to pop, to rapping basically everything. People all ages can listen to your music and enjoy it. Let's not forget your dancing! Oh God! You are such an amazing dancer that it pisses me off when I try to moonwalk but there is no way in hell I could do it like you. Your originality is what made you the King of Pop and it will remain that way. Of course no one will be able to have the talent that you have. No one.
Now about your skin change Michael. I know that you had that skin problem named vitiligo and that's why you turned white. But that doesn't matter. Your appearance shouldn't bother the fans because that's who fans really are. They should only care about your music. I know how you missed your childhood and how you never got to enjoy it. That's the reason you love kids. I hate the fact that people lied about you molesting kids just so they can get money out of you and humiliate you. Of course everyone knew it was a lie. They should have picked some else as their target, not someone who is known world wide and loved by everyone.
You never lost your fans and you will never be forgotten. I thank you for being an inspiration to me. A lot of people made fun of me and said I was ridiculous when I cried over your passing but you mean a lot to me and I don't care what anyone else says. You helped me in a time where I needed help the most. I grew up listening to your music and I will grow old to it. Your music will always be heaven to my ears and you will always be in my heart.
I love Michael!

Friday 26 June 2009

My name is Amy. I'm 14 years old and life is just beginning for me. I like a lot of things in life such as music, short hair, freckles, british culture & accents, cute nails, pretty food, fancy houses and vintage things. I want to be an actress someday. I love to act. I want lots of tattoos that each mean a little something in my life. Mom says I have to wait a year! ahhh! Also I'm a terrible speller, if you see any spelling mistakes please let me know! LOL.
Anyways this is my blog, I'll be writing tons of things here that happen to me, my feelings, thoughts and dreams. I have another one over @ tumblr but that's more of a picture blog. This is one is more personal.
I hope you enjoy! <3